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来源: 西洋收藏网   
时间:2011-09-21 14:02:47我要评论

FRANCOIS LINKE 家具在造型受到洛可可风格的影响,但有很大的创新。BOULLE和CHARLES 的工艺风格特点在LINKE家具发挥到极点,而且更为精益求精。使他的产品更为新颖。他的产品特别强调流畅自然。由此形成了自己独特的艺术特点。雕塑也是其家具的重要组成部分。有独立的塑雕作品和法国艺术钟作品。市场非常抢手而且价格不低。

FRANCOIS LINKE 家具的诞生、发展到消亡:

Born - 17th June 1855

1868 - 1873 - Apprenticeship

1873 - 1878 - Travelled Europe as a journeyman

1875 - First visit to Paris

1878 - Settled in Paris, worked with 'German masters'

1881 - first lease on the workshops that he occupied until his death

1881 - Married: 19th May - Julie Teutsch

(four children: Caroline: 1882, François 1884, Henriette 1894, and Charles 1897). His two sons pre-deceased him

1889 - Granted the right to reside permanently in France

1894 - Became a naturalised Frenchman

1900 - Reputation firmly established at the Exposition Universelle de Paris

1903 - Opened prestigious showrooms in the Place Vendome

1906 - Awarded Frances' highest accolade the Chevalier de l'Ordre de la Legion d'Honneur

Continued his exceptional international career until the German Occupation of Paris in 1940.

At the venerable age of seventy supplying over 1,000 pieces of furniture to King Fuad of Egypt.

Died - 30th May 1946, Paris.

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